Supported Employment Program

The Supported Employment Program strives to assist the individuals with breaking poverty

Cycles know that it takes time, persistence, and relentless outreach.  Moving from poverty or near poverty to self-sufficiency is a non-linear process.  It must occur in the context of everything going on in the individuals' lives; safe and stable housing, individual and family well-being, higher education, competitive job skills, financial stability, and a strong network of support to rely on. The Arc's Supported Employment Service provides the clients with the opportunities to increase their knowledge, job and life skills and supports for a successful future.

The program assists working-age adults with (I/DD). Community Inclusion is an ongoing goal and concern for The Arc of Greensboro. Placements are carefully considered for the degree of inclusion that they involve for all individuals. The Arc is aware that education is a main component of acceptance that leads to inclusion. Through the Supported Employment Program community education is a byproduct of each placement we make. This process of educating is not always a smooth one; however, we have seen dramatic changes in attitude toward I/DD individuals when people no longer are fearful and unaware of disabilities. The Arc employment staff offers participants person centered choices in job selection. Selection process includes site visits, conversations with business supervisors, interviews, and job sampling. We provide a variety of experiences and options so the participants can achieve their career goal of choice. Often service providers put too much emphasis on number of placements rather than on quality of placements. Although the Arc staff strives to make as many placements as possible, the primary emphasis is on consumer choice and consideration of consumer strengths and challenges.