Big 3 Challenger Cheerleader
Mar 03, 2023 11:00AM—12:30PM
Various Locations
Cost $10.00
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Program will be every Saturday from January 21st through March 3rd
Register for $10 at
Big 3 is designed for youth and adults with disabilities to build skills and knowledge of basketball. This program is offered in partnership with The ARC of Greensboro and the Kernersville and High Point Parks and Recreation departments. Practices are from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm on these dates:
Sat 01/21, Sat 01/28, Fri 02/10, Sat 02/18, Fri 03/03
For more information about Adaptive & Inclusive Recreation (AIR), visit
For more program information, contact Greensboro Adaptive and Inclusive Recreation Program Coordinator Sharon Williams at or 336-373-2954.