Donate Today
The Arc of Greensboro is committed to identifying and securing life-long opportunities for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Your financial assistance will help us accomplish these goals.

Ways to Give
The Arc of Greensboro offers several ways for you to contribute to our programs and events. Besides monetary gifts, we are happy to receive items that we may use in our programs and events, work with you on tax-advantage giving opportunities, as well as establish ongoing gift programs. Please contact us to discuss these various options.
How Your Donation is Used
The Arc of Greensboro supports more than a dozen annual programs and events, affecting more than 250 children and adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Many of these programs run yearlong, with professional staff and volunteers involved with training and planning.
Programming & Services
Fundraising & Administration
Donate Today
The Arc of Greensboro will put your donation to work by supporting the variety of opportunities available to our members and participants. No amount is too small or insignificant.